Saturday, March 10, 2007

Books Make You Fat...

CNN recently posted an article on how Pizza Hut may be contributing (deviously) to obesity in children through their reading program called Book It! Kids get a free pan pizza every time they meet a reading goal. As a student, I remember this program. I got a holographic button with star stickers on it. Since I read non-stop, I got lots of pepperoni pizzas. I am secretly hoping this comes to a class-action lawsuit. I'm not asking for much, Book It! (just a personal trainer).


hederka said...

Hey! I remember that program, too! I was amazed they would give me my own personal pan pizza just for reading a few books. And the Good times.

Brent said...

OK, so I guess I may have implied that I got a whole small pizza. That would make a person fat. No, you're right to point out that it was a personal sized pizza. But still!

Charles W said...

I'm so excited to find your blog from FaceBook. I've been wanting to read things you write and finally I get a dose of your thoughts. This is great!